WHY we haven't achieved world peace.
HOW we achieve it.
WHAT we should expect once we get there.

Monday, September 04, 2006

What set off WeaponWorld, 5000 years ago?

The causative events that replaced peace mentality with weapon mentality in the human conscience are subtle, numerous and synergistic. What’s more, peace mentality is by nature prehistoric, since during the past five thousand years, written history has consisted in the perfection of weapon mentality at its expense. It would take centuries of historians much smarter than me to enumerate these origins honestly. The section WHY of LEARNERS attempts this enumeration in a few hundred pages.


Would I be crazy enough to dare delimit, on a page or two, some causative elements I presumed to find without scientific proof? Of course! Thank you (SLP) for asking me that question. In this American vacuum of cerebral dialogue, wherein I find myself captive, my own conclusions cannot succeed all by themselves.

First off, the transformation of mankind, from meat for saber-toothed tigers into the dominant omnivore species of this planetary ecology. Don’t ask me how that happened; I have no idea. As a tactical problem, facing species of stronger carnivores, it seems almost insoluble to me, without talents if not extraterrestrial assistance of which we have no idea. Also, the bankruptcy of these magical and mythical aids - at least, according to us modern ignoramuses – that rendered human economies into a zero-sum military proposition, instead of that of peaceful, unlimited resources prior, based on grace and the miraculous co-operation resulting therefrom. All that since hundreds of millennia, concluded 5,000 years ago.

I bandy about thousands of years of human culture. Recall that one thousand years of human time equals at least twenty successive generations of tribal elders, each at least fifty years old. Each generation subtly influenced by its predecessors and each subtly influencing its replacements. None of this occured overnight.

Meanwhile, the cyclic and accelerating destruction of a much more peaceful human civilization, of a planetary ecology much more welcoming and of technologies that would seem bizarre to us; by means of continental ice melt tsunamis that took place approximately 10,000 years ago. The only survivors were a few primitive shepherds and hunters-gatherers on highland plateaus proof against these tsunamis (and some civilized survivors who enlightened them as best they could). They rebuilt isolated and much less subtle civilizations in a decimated ecology and equipped with starveling energy technologies. They replaced this ancestral culture based on oral recitation of holy texts learned by heart (and thus much more worthy) with those based on written texts, much better at authorizing and perpetuating weapon lies and stupidities.

I love poetry; you cannot understand how much. My digitally pixilated words are shit compared to poetry you could not help but memorize and recite because they were so beautifully wise.

The following transformations are not listed in chronological order; be warned.

The dumbed-down survivors of this destruction could not cure those born with violent mental pathologies and incorporate them into peaceful civilization in an elegant manner. These deviants agglomerated and organized themselves into destructive bands. The prior civilization could not survive them, suffering as it did climate transformations and new plagues beyond its ability to cure. Given the disappearance of truly nutritive and medicinal farming, remaining agricultural technologies competed against those of nomad herders, and the first villages, rebuilt during millennia of mounting shortages, were fortified and militarized. The Plant Trap impaired the raising of healthy children. (I am summarizing – see LEARNERS for details). Alcohol was adopted in order to concentrate rare farm surpluses for preservation through many periods of famine. Its behavioral repercussions canceled hundreds of thousands of years of refinement in our social ethics as internally peaceful packs of omnivores. Military technologies, religions and organizations prevailed at an accelerating pace over those peaceful, and managed to extinguish them almost entirely. Here we are.

Yet this attribution of first causes, no matter how attractive to the intellect, is not required for Learner transformation. These causes are embedded in the depths of time and therefore beyond our control. Weapons mentality survives because of the weapon mythology it disseminates. We need to replace that mythology, in its cultural entirety, by a peaceful, entirely parallel one just as justifiable. Our recognition that we hate peace – as much as individuals as members of cultures that hate it – and our self-transformation as well as that of our cultures by acts of pure, communal will – no matter how lame – those must be our current goals.

I suspect that this transformation could be the most lethal one we need undergo, barring the ultimate expression of weapon mentality that could sterilize the whole planet, short of our stopping it once and for all. Thereafter, if our civilization survives at all, we may rebuild peaceful paleotechnics, if not their superior substitutes, able to grant us unlimited energy directed towards peace, replacing ours of military penury. We are willfully stupid; it is a question of reinventing ourselves smarter on a planetary basis; of recabling the collective superconscience, as ADN would wish us to do.

The religious implications of this transformation, I leave you to consider according to your fancy. Christ never required them of us; He compels nothing of anyone, as Love never does. “Let him without sin throw the first stone.” Those words confirm His Divinity, and God’s—beyond our wildest expectations. If we will not adopt them voluntarily, we are not worthy of them, nor is our species to survive. After all, ADN has all the time in this universe, as well as those to come, to create a worthy civilization. Will we be found worthy? I stumble over refuse on our streets and children famished all over the Earth, that confirm our unworthiness.

The substitution in peace of this cultural weapon mythology is our principal task. Scientific enumeration of prior causes will be the task of Learners to come: beneficiaries of a civilization much smarter than ours, recovering from our perpetual self-lobotomies to better answer military requirements, each antinomial and ultimately insoluble.

I await this perestroika, while dreading the repercussions of our militant, ritual stupidity. Given this principal task, our primary problem consists in adhering to peaceful means (of which we are virtually ignorant) in order to reach this peaceful end, instead of falling into the trap of militant means (seeming many times easier and less suicidal to us) that will only confirm the cultural dominance of weapon mentality. Rather, I await the advent of international Learners much more gifted than me, through the coaching of their distinct lives, to teach us how to reach it. LEARNERS is just the spark of inspiration cast upon the parched tinder of their planetary genius.

If it were up to me all alone, or to a few Learners so inclined, no success would be feasible. Up to every one of them operating as a co-operative commune, perhaps one chance in two. Up to someone else, practicing whatever else, good luck with that!


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