The Beka Valley as 21st Century Cannae
OK. Let's play "Name Your Favorite Nightmare Scenario!"
- . Saddam actually did ship off to Syria his entire arsenal of weapons of mass destruction … just like he sent his fighter planes to Iran for safekeeping. Remember?
· That President of all crackpots, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was dead serious when he proclaimed that destroying Israel is official Iranian policy from now on. He’s worried that once he and his psycho supporters get replaced by Iranian 'moderates', this favorite hobby of his (exterminating Israel) will go out the window once and for all – last chance!
· The Hezbollah terrorists are just sucker bait to tempt the elite of the Israeli Army deep into Northern Lebanon.
· Once that mechanized juggernaut is strung out along the only roads through that impassable mountain terrain; just immobilize the head and tail ends of each road column, then fill every valley turned into a military parking lot with neurotoxins and bioplague. No place to run, no place to hide. Sorta like the Russian columns that invaded Finland during the Winter War of 1939-40 – except everybody would die, not just all the road-bound tankers. A lot easier than blanketing American mech columns out in the open desert during Desert Storm, free to scatter in any direction at 30 mph to find cleaner air.
· What about the Hezbollah guerillas and their civilian supporters? Why, my friend, they get to be martyrs for Allah! A free, one way ticket to Paradise issued to each and every one of them – man, woman and child – by surviving Imams from their deep, plush bunkers.
· Simultaneously, massive attacks by Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian main-force elements across the Israeli border, in the hope of overrunning Israeli nuke launch sites and command/control centers before they can inlay the entire Middle East with radioactive glass.